...got it?EARLY BIRD Language Competence Checks
...got it? means
for the student ‚Have I understood correctly?'
for the teacher 'Do my students achieve the learning objectives of the English curriculum?'

The first part of ...got it? shows teachers how to evaluate their students' progress in English class and also helps to diagnose where more training is needed. ...got it? gives detailed information how to observe the progress of the students and contains detailed evaluation sheets for all fields of language competences:
Listening/Comprehension - Speaking - Reading - Writing.
The criteria of the evaluation sheets match the themes and assignments of the EARLY BIRD materials and can be used as a source of model phrases for evaluation and school reports.
The second part the book contains differentiated work sheets which the teachers can copy and hand out to the students as tests.
To evaluate the students' abilities in listening, comprehension and speaking there are 3 work sheets of different levels for each EARLY BIRD theme. The instructions of the work sheets are written in English. These work sheets shall be used together with the 2 audio CDs.
For evaluation of the language fields reading and writing, there are also 3 work sheets for each EARLY BIRD theme.
In this way the teacher gets a complete and precise report of the status of his students' English language competence.
96 pages + 2 audio CDs
Rights sold:
China, Indonesia
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Early Bird
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EARLY BIRD: The complete English course for primary school grades 3 - 6
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